Monday, January 21, 2013

If anyone is able to send in some disinfecting wipes to clean our toys and tables that would be great!
A big Thank You for all of the snacks! 
The snack cupboard is stocked and I will let you know when we are running low.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our snack cupboard is getting low!
 If you can send in enough snack for 15 that would be great! 
Thank You!
Popsicle Stick Patterns!
We made shapes 

and patterns with our popsicle sticks!

We took turns making a pattern that our friends could finish.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Dear Parents,
     In an effort to raise some money for a memorial fund for the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School, BAK and Bluff View will be participating in Penny Wars. If you would like to contribute, please send loose change to school with your child. The penny wars will only last one week (Monday, Jan 7- Friday, Jan. 11). The class jar with the most money by next Friday is considered the winner. So clean out the car, dig under the couch cushions, and shake those piggy banks. A little change can change a lot!